Minggu, Maret 9, 2025

Lead with grace or be disposable

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Based on multiyear research with more than 200 executives inside 100 multinational organizations in 120 countries on six continents, leaders need 15 competencies as prerequisite to thrive in globalized setting today.

Among them, as Marshall Goldsmith articulated, there are five emerging competencies that matter most: communication (demonstrating integrity is a part of it); engaging people (such as unites organization into an effective team); assure success; continuous change; boundary-less inclusion (appreciating diversity).  

The reason we need to enrich our perspective, developing competencies, is because the expectation today is higher than before. We can find many studies about executives who successfully become great leaders through this kind of soul-searching journey.

Start with self-assessment to make sure where are you now. In this step, your job is answering basic questions such as: How often do you intently listen to the important people around you? How many times have you listened to someone while preparing to jump in and cut them off with your own conclusions?

How frequently do you choose to only listen to what you want to listen and avoid listening to the facts that might be unpleasant but may bring benefit for the institution?  How many times in a week do you earnestly thank your stakeholders for their honest feedback, without additional comments?

Those are small parts of the process required to enhance our ability to look at the world with better perspectives and dive into life through a more beautiful dimension. Leading with grace.  

Mohamad Cholid adalah Member of Global Coach Group (globalcoachgroup.com)

  • Certified Executive Coach at Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching
  • Certified Marshall Goldsmith Global Leadership Assessment (GLA 360)

Alumnus The International Academy for Leadership, Jerman



Books: play.google.com/store/search?q=senincoaching&c=books

Please contact Ms Nella + 62 85280538449 for meeting schedule

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