Sabtu, April 20, 2024
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Mohamad Cholid


Budaya Organisasi vs Bos Songong

#SeninCoaching: #Lead for Good: Why culture matters Mohamad Cholid, Certified Executive and Leadership Coach “Unless managers are willing to commit to personal change, the organization’s culture will...

Presiden kebal hukum?

#SeninCoaching: #Lead for Good: Be human, please Mohamad Cholid, Certified Executive and Leadership Coach. Dalam satu diskusi pekan lalu di Institut Peradaban Jakarta, seseorang mengatakan bahwa...

Anda sukses tapi insecure?

#SeninCoaching: #Lead for Good: We need emotional agility Mohamad Cholid, Certified Executive and Leadership Coach HMS Defiant merayap tenang saat senja merengkuh laut. Kapal perang kelas...

Akankah terjadi majelis kesia-siaan?

#SeninCoaching: #Lead for Good: Beware authoritarianism   Mohamad Cholid, Certified Executive and Leadership Coach Kekuatan politik itu diwujudkan melalui laras senapan, kata Mao Zedong. Ucapan Mao tersebut...

Presiden sukses tapi kalap, lantas mungkar?

#SeninCoaching: #Lead for Good: Success delusion Mohamad Cholid, Certified Executive and Leadership Coach Goenawan Mohamad dalam satu wawancara di televisi menceritakan, Erry Riana Hardjapamekas menemui Presiden...

Ada kalangan manager pola pikirnya setara teenager?

#SeninCoaching: #Lead for Good: Beware the busy manager Mohamad Cholid, Certified Executive and Leadership Coach Tingkat kegagalan akibat keputusan berdasarkan binary choice di atas 50%. Dua pertiga...

Apakah presiden bahagia?

#SeninCoaching: #Lead for Good: Achiever and miserable Mohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership Coach “… many high achievers are miserable and depressed,” Dr. Marshall...

Lead with grace or be disposable

#Lead for Good Mohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership Coach "And you see the mountains, reckoned them rigid, while they will pass as the...

Madat kekuasaan dan tragedi dinasti

#SeninCoaching: #Lead for Good: Many of us trapped in impermanency Mohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership Coach “Manusia memang bukan semuanya wali; tapi mungkin...

Waspadai ilusi dan front

#SeninCoaching: #Lead for Good: Illusion kills you, so does front Mohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership Coach “When we are no longer able to...

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