Jumat, Maret 7, 2025
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Mohamad Cholid


Lead with grace or be disposable

#Lead for GoodMohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership Coach"And you see the mountains, reckoned them rigid, while they will pass as the...

Madat kekuasaan dan tragedi dinasti

#SeninCoaching:#Lead for Good: Many of us trapped in impermanencyMohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership Coach“Manusia memang bukan semuanya wali; tapi mungkin...

Waspadai ilusi dan front

#SeninCoaching:#Lead for Good: Illusion kills you, so does frontMohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership Coach“When we are no longer able to...

Mau tetap relevan dengan hari ini?

#SeninCoaching:#Lead for Good: Emotional courage neededMohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership Coach“Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don’t...

#Mampu memilih itu kemewahan

#SeninCoaching#Lead for Good: The glory of the choiceMohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership CoachYogya digoyang gempa bumi berkekuatan 6.4 Skala Richter, yang berpusat...

Kasus Rp 349 T dan kesehatan mental pegawai

#SeninCoaching#Lead for Good: Mental Health & CorruptionOleh Mohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership Coach“Sebenarnya hanya orang yang berakal sehat yang dapat menerima...

Sukses bisa jadi kutukan?

#SeninCoaching:#Lead for Good: Beware of Success DelusionMohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership CoachMengorbankan ratusan bahkan ribuan orang agar dapat pujian dari...

Target dan ancaman sakit mental

#SeninCoaching:#Lead for good: The price of blind ambitionMohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership CoachMichael Phelps, perenang AS peraih 28 medali di Olimpiade,...

Anggota dinasti politik kuat pun bisa gagal nyalon

#SeninCoaching: Lead for Good: Be respectable or sucks.Mohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership CoachTed Kennedy sebagai anggota dinasti politik yang kuat di...

#Leadership vs Captive Mind

#SeninCoaching:"And you see the mountains, reckoned them rigid, while they will pass as the passing of clouds." QS An-Naml :88.Mohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive...

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