Anggota dinasti politik kuat pun bisa gagal nyalon
#SeninCoaching: Lead for Good: Be respectable or sucks.Mohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership CoachTed Kennedy sebagai anggota dinasti politik yang kuat di...
#Leadership vs Captive Mind
#SeninCoaching:"And you see the mountains, reckoned them rigid, while they will pass as the passing of clouds." QS An-Naml :88.Mohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive...
Beban bintang, jenderal berguguran
#SeninCoaching:#Lead for Good: Beware of the weight of star“Successful people become great leaders when they learn to shift the focus from themselves to...
Kita ini manusia, Bro
#SeninCoaching: #Lead for Good: Be Human, pleaseOleh Mohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership CoachRaja Harun Al Rasyiid suatu hari menerima kedatangan seorang...
Merdeka dari takhayul
#SeninCoaching:#Lead for Good: Beware of superstitious trapMohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership CoachDi tempat breakfast di hotel-hotel lazimnya kita akan ditanya oleh...
Perlu selalu belajar kembali melihat realitas
#SeninCoaching:#Lead for Good: To see behind the reality clearlyMohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership Coach“Most of us, most of the time, live...
Waspadai tirani inertia
#SeninCoaching:#Lead for Good: Achievement and fulfillmentMohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership CoachPerempuan itu menyusun helai-helai benang dengan tekun, memintalnya menjadi sebuah kain...
Siapa masih nekad mempertaruhkan culture?
#SeninCoaching:#Lead for Good: Why culture mattersMohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership CoachKemeriahan festival dan mungkin juga pesta ternyata tidak hanya sah dinikmati...
Jabatan presiden bisa lepas dalam setarikan nafas
#SeninCoaching:#Lead for Good: Accepting impermanence is a rational wayMohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership Coach“Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero.” –...
Kita ini manusia atau ilusi keangkuhan?
#SeninCoaching:#Lead for Good: Beware of suck up cultureMohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership Coach“Can you recall a time that someone overinflated the...