Senin, Desember 23, 2024
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Orang-orang yang membangun rumah di atas buih

#SeninCoaching#Leadership Growth: Lead for GoodOleh Mohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership CoachKapal selam kelas Typhoon Soviet merupakan sarana perang bawah laut yang...

Ilusi bisa menelikung siapa saja, termasuk Anda

#SeninCoaching#Leadership Growth: Avoid Illusion  Mohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership Coach“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken...

Dinasti politik boleh tidak, mau atau ogah…

#SeninCoachingMohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership CoachHasil jajak pendapat Litbang Harian Kompas tentang dinasti politik belum lama ini telah berkembang biak menjadi percaturan...

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