Momentum pasca resesi?
#SeninCoaching:#Lead for Good: Beware of narrative fallacy Mohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership Coach“Soalnya bukan pesimistis atau optimistis, melainkan bagaimana kita menjaga momentum...
Anda mau memilih takdir atau jadi wayang nasib?
#SeninCoaching:#Lead for Good: We have choicesMohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership CoachYudistira gemar main dadu, dengan ketrampilan pas-pasan. Kendati begitu ia ternyata...
Orang cerdas mana mau niru Mr. Stevens?
#SeninCoaching:#Lead for Good: Be human, pleaseMohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership CoachSaat Anda punya rumah dengan sekian belas kamar di lahan...
Tanpa sayap kiri dan kanan, siapa pun jatuh
#SeninCoaching:#Lead for Good: Humanity first, then profitMohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership Coach“Syukur dan sabar seperti sayap, sebelah kanan syukur dan yang...
Anda punya masa depan?
#SeninCoaching:#Lead for Good: What is the future?Mohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership Coach“The first responsibility of a leader is to define...
Is crisis fate or a test of your leadership?
#SeninCoaching:#Lead for Good: Choose Your DestinyMohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership Coach“I do not believe in a fate that falls on men however...
Fana yang mempesona, bisa menjebak Anda
#SeninCoaching:#Lead for Good: Create traction over ephemeralityMohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership Coach“Dari sebuah sudut Gunung Pananjakan 2600 meter di atas...
Anda pilih eksis, hidup atau excuses?
#SeninCoaching:#Lead for Good: Live, more than exist.Mohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership Coach“There is simply no excuse for making excuses at work...
China blues, Franz, dan popcorn brain
#SeninCoaching:#Lead for good: Contentment, not happiness without meaningMohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership Coach“Bunga cinta mekar ibarat lidah api. Getaran musim semi...
Can we stride up to greatness?
#SeninCoaching#Lead for GoodMohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership Coach"And you see the mountains, reckoned them rigid, while they will pass as the...