Minggu, Januari 26, 2025
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Merengkuh bayangan hari ini, memahat masa depan

#SeninCoaching#Leadership Growth: Grabbing the Glints of FateMohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership Coach“To think clearly about the future, we need to clean up...

Perlu moralitas dan tatanan politik baru untuk atasi pandemi?

#Leadership Growth: Creating Mutual ResponsibilityMohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership CoachMobilisasi kekuatan untuk menghadapi krisis kesehatan global sekarang ini tidak cukup hanya mengandalkan...

Influencer, fee sampeyan dari pihak mana?

#Leadership Growth: Do the Right Thing Right, PleaseMohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership Coach“Transparency may be the most disruptive and far-reaching innovation to...

Untuk atasi gagal paham, akui saja fakta

#SeninCoaching #Leadership Growth: Bridging the ChasmOleh Mohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership CoachBelum lama berselang, sebuah grup media besar yang sudah masuk pasar modal mengalami...

Tabiat suka nggenjot Brompton ke gunung

Oleh Mohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership Coach Ini dari Kontem (Plasi), video dengan narasi audio diisi Liston P. Siregar, dulu wartawan Majalah Tempo yang kemudian menjadi...

Bisakah presiden dan kita, memimpin tanpa tameng?

#Leadership Growth: Leading with Vulnerability  Oleh Mohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership Coach Sabarna Ajin bin Supadi beberapa tahun ini jadi dokter paling mashur di...

Mas Paimo dkk itu Odysseus atau Bima?

Oleh Mohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership CoachPadang Gurun Atacama seluas 1.600 km ada di sisi barat Pegunungan Andes, Amerika Latin. “Atacama Desert membuka...

Merayakan kehidupan hari ini atau menunggu karnaval kematian?

Oleh Mohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership Coach“Life has meaning only in the struggle. Triumph or defeat is in the hands of the Gods....

Presiden hadir, kabar baik bagi rakyat?

Leadership Growth: Reaching Personal MasteryKolom Mohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership CoachPeralihan kekuasaan kekaisaran Dinasti Qing (1644 – 1912) di China ke sistem republik...

Lawan kebuntuan berpikir ala birokrat

Mohamad Cholid, Practicing Certified Executive and Leadership Coach“Don’t fooled by the fact,” Martin Lindstrom.Remi mendadak menangis keras sekali. Dari kamarnya di lantai dua, raungan Remi...

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